Visual rewritable card is a new technology product. Throughing the special printer, can make the card information print in the card surface, and the words and the photos can stay on the card surface, until the next print. The card can be rewrited update to 2500 times. Visual card is an ideal tool to establish good relationship .Through visual card, you can let cardholders know the latest information about the card, such as the modified personal data, updated member benefits, the latest company messages, all this can be seen on the card surface in time. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Card have a unique seiral number. It is great solution for access control (keytag), Public transportation, Electronic toll collection, Loyalty cards, Event ticketing, Car parking, Electronic ticketing in public transport, Road tolling, Airline tickets, Home automation and appliances, Consumer electronics, Healthcare, Printers, Smart meters, Library and rental services, Healthcare, Ski ticketing, Asset management and smart shelf solutions, Factory automation etc CMYK/pantone color pre-printed card and blank card is what usually we provided.
